
Posts Tagged ‘daycare’

Quack, quack!

If I said that I felt guilty dropping my son off at daycare for the first few days of my two week Spring Break, well, I would kind of be telling the truth.  But on day one, that guilt was easily dissolved by a home-made latte, a quiet house, and a good book I’d been waiting to finish.  I love Ben to bits, but honestly, recovering the self-time I’d been missing was absolute bliss and I actually found myself feeling giddy at points during the day.  He also loves going to daycare and seeing his little friends, doing crafts, and playing in their backyard, which, if Ben could talk, he would describe as “one million times cooler than ours.”  But by day three, I’d finally finished my book, done all the laundry, and cleaned the house, and the silence was deafening…it was time for some toddler fun!

Ben is almost two now, and describing him as “busy” is an understatement.  He loves to be out and about, and sometimes when he’s feeling cabin feverish he’ll say, “Mommy bye-bye?  Ben bye-bye?” and he’ll get our coats and shoes and look expectantly towards the door.  We did a ton during our break–the aquarium, the zoo, some local play groups–but my favourite thing we did was visit the Reifel Bird Sanctuary.  It’s about an hour and a half drive from us, but totally worth it–nothing could wipe the smile off Ben’s face as soon as we stepped out of the car.  The place is absolutely stunning–acres and acres of gorgeous wet land with miles of trails that wind through the migratory bird habitats.  I loved being out in the fresh air and getting some exercise, and Ben’s favourite part was feeding the ducks.  He grinned and laughed as he threw handfuls of grain, and he was thrilled when the ducks pecked near his boots.

looking for ducks across the marsh

Thanks for the awesome adventures Ben!  I can’t wait until we can spend every day this summer together…well, almost every day.  I might keep the daycare as a back-up plan, for both our sakes!


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